Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Here are some pictures from the trip Avie and I took to Oklahoma a couple of weeks ago. We went to try and help Tiff out with the new baby (Capri), and Ashton, since Aaron is gone in Afghanistan. My mom wasn't able to make it out with us at last minute, so we weren't able to provide as much help as originally planned, but we still had a good time. Ashton had a ton of cool toys including his own jumper which Avie loved. Capri was the sweetest little baby ever. I wanted to steal her. I miss her! : ( I wish we had someone there to get a picture of all us together, but sadly we didn't get any with Tiff.

Other news, Avie will have a new half brother or sister. Her dad and his new wife are expecting so yay for that I guess. Avie also started first grade today. I'll be posting pics of that sometime hopefully. Ta Ta for now.

Friday, May 27, 2011

A new post? Yup!

I'll be amazed if anyone even looks for a new post by me considering I'm going on a year now almost before updating this thing. Aaron and Tiff don't even have a blog anymore. Kind of sad how no one cares about these blogs much. Oh well..

Let's see what's new and important with Avie and I? We moved to Redlands last summer. I moved to Redlands to get Avie in a good school district, only for my mom to talk me into letting her be Avie's kindergarten teacher. It's been fun for them both. Hopefully it's not too hard of an adjustment for Avie when she starts first grade. My lease is up soon, and I may move up the street. : ) I like Redlands a lot. I've been considering moving to Riverside to get closer to the OC, but we'll see if I ever do that. I want to try to get out of the IE one day. It's just hard with my job. I've been there for 5 years now.. crazy.

Last month I took a cool trip to the Dominican Republic (Punta Cana to be exact). A much needed vacation after 3 years since my last. It was actually really inexpensive. I loved it there so much. I was there for a week. The beach was so nice.. it didn't rain once, the weather was perfect (not over 80 the whole time), and the water was warm. We took some go karts into town and went shopping and got to explore the City some, then went to a public beach. We also got to go swim in some caves (see pics). It was really cool. I went with a good friend of mine from Vegas and met up with another friend as his sister as well who served his mission there in the DR. It was fun. I hope to go back and explore more of the country that I wasn't able to another time.

Monday, September 13, 2010

New Pictures

These are crappy scanned copies, I should have mailed all of you family members good copies in the mail.

Monday, May 3, 2010


We put Avie and Lexi in a combo dance class. I only got individual pics of Avie because I didn't have Lexi before the class started, but I got some of them both during the class. They have a recitle in mid June. I will for sure be posting more pics. They absolutely LOVE dance. It's the cutest thing to watch their faces light up when doing it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Avie turned 4 on Sunday. I threw a party for her last year, but because of all the dramatic events that have taken place this year I just couldn't find the time or energy to throw another party. Instead I told Jesse to feel free to do something with Avie if he wanted. He ended up taking her to Disneyland and then on Sunday we had a small group of people at my mom's for cake and presents. Jesse was there and Brian came and brought his daughter Lexi too. Lexi is Avie's new sidekick now.. they're funny.

Avie got so much stuff... I always have to clean out her closet to make room for new toys everytime Christmas and her birthday come. Looks like I have something to look forward to this week! haha... thanks everyone for the cute gifts!