Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Avie turned 4 on Sunday. I threw a party for her last year, but because of all the dramatic events that have taken place this year I just couldn't find the time or energy to throw another party. Instead I told Jesse to feel free to do something with Avie if he wanted. He ended up taking her to Disneyland and then on Sunday we had a small group of people at my mom's for cake and presents. Jesse was there and Brian came and brought his daughter Lexi too. Lexi is Avie's new sidekick now.. they're funny.

Avie got so much stuff... I always have to clean out her closet to make room for new toys everytime Christmas and her birthday come. Looks like I have something to look forward to this week! haha... thanks everyone for the cute gifts!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Baby Parker!!

We went to Arizona last weekend because Elisha's sister (one of the many), was getting married so she flew out with the kids to attend. Since Shaun and Elisha now live so far away we had to take the opportunity to see new little baby Parker while they were in Arizona. Here are some pictures of the cute kiddos! Hopefully we can make it out to Florida in the near future. Isn't Parker the cutest little thing? I wanted to baby-nap him...

Friday, July 31, 2009


Well, Avelyn had her first day of preschool today. She was so excited to go to school, it was really cute. That's all she has been talking about for a while now, and how she's "bigger now". ha
I should be pretty happy about how excited she is about school considering that I refused to go to preschool because all of the schools my mom and I looked at they required you to take a nap. I was too cool for that.. so I didn't go to preschool. Anyways, I can't believe I not only have a child, but I have one that is already in school. I do not feel old enough for this at all. I don't know if I should be happy and cry, or be terrified and cry for what the future may hold as it seems to be coming awefully fast.
So, what does Avelyn say about school? She told me she drew a triangle and a square. She also said there was a prince there (in her class), and he was handsome and had a beautiful voice. Arghhh those freakin Disney movies.. they leave her in a fairytale mind-set and I dont see it going away anytime soon.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Shaun's Med School Graduation

Here are some pics from Shaun's graduation in Arizona. For any of you that want copies, you can copy them onto your computers.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Here are some intense pictures of the car accident I was involved in on Friday. (For those of you that haven't yet seen them). Luckily I got the least of the damage...