Thursday, April 16, 2009

Disneyland and Easter

So this year for Easter Aaron, Tiff, Ashton, Jen and Kris all came down to my mom's. It was nice having more family here this time. Avelyn was so excited to see baby Ashton.
Saturday we went to Disneyland together, and on Sunday we went to church with my mom, and to her house afterwards for a nice Easter lunch, and Easter egg hunting for Avie. It will be nice when Ashton can join in.. or Janalee!!
Ok so unfortunately I dont have any family pics... Aaron and Tiff and or Kris will have to send me any they have. But, these are the ones I do have.

Avelyn loves when when people come down to visit so she can jump on the air mattress. It never fails.... thank heavens she doens't know I have one in my closet. I dont think I'd hear the end of it.