Sunday, January 18, 2009


Ok, so it's been a long long time since I posted anything on here. It kind of stinks that I didn't get any Christmas pictures put on here. I guess it was a little different not having Avelyn and some of the other family there, but still good. Work is getting super crazy now too, I'm going on 3 years with my company and I'm pretty content there as of now. It works. I'm still trying to push through school though I go back and forth with my desires of where I want to take it career wise. My mom is always nice enough to help me with Avelyn whenever I need her to, so it's great.

Well, I got a new apartment last Thursday. This weekend has been crazy with having to move all of my belongings. Luckily Jesse has Avelyn this weekend so I've been able to get quite a bit done. I can't leave out the fact that I've had amazing friends that were nice enough to help me with a lot of the moving as well. It's pretty exciting to have my own apartment that is just mine. Not use to that. Anytime I've lived anywhere other than my mother's it was with someone else.

I have no couches of yet, but plan to get some soon, and I'll be posting pics shortly thereafter as well. This apartment isn't as nice as my last.. no wood flooring, two-toned paint, or pretty white cabinets. But, I'm saving a significant amount of money, and it works for now. Hope everyone is doing well!


Simmons Family said...

yea for the new apartment. I can't wait to see pictures of it. I hope moving wasn't too bad, I hate to move. I am glad you have your own place, have fun!

Papa Bear said...

Grammy & I really enjoyed the Calendar you sent us that has some great pictures of everyone. Thanks