Friday, July 31, 2009


Well, Avelyn had her first day of preschool today. She was so excited to go to school, it was really cute. That's all she has been talking about for a while now, and how she's "bigger now". ha
I should be pretty happy about how excited she is about school considering that I refused to go to preschool because all of the schools my mom and I looked at they required you to take a nap. I was too cool for that.. so I didn't go to preschool. Anyways, I can't believe I not only have a child, but I have one that is already in school. I do not feel old enough for this at all. I don't know if I should be happy and cry, or be terrified and cry for what the future may hold as it seems to be coming awefully fast.
So, what does Avelyn say about school? She told me she drew a triangle and a square. She also said there was a prince there (in her class), and he was handsome and had a beautiful voice. Arghhh those freakin Disney movies.. they leave her in a fairytale mind-set and I dont see it going away anytime soon.


Tiffany said...

Awww how cute! I remember getting her that outfit :) HArd to believe she is that old! Fun though!!!

Simmons Family said...

That is so fun, I bet she is going to love school and her new little prince charming. hahaha