Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Here are some pictures from the trip Avie and I took to Oklahoma a couple of weeks ago. We went to try and help Tiff out with the new baby (Capri), and Ashton, since Aaron is gone in Afghanistan. My mom wasn't able to make it out with us at last minute, so we weren't able to provide as much help as originally planned, but we still had a good time. Ashton had a ton of cool toys including his own jumper which Avie loved. Capri was the sweetest little baby ever. I wanted to steal her. I miss her! : ( I wish we had someone there to get a picture of all us together, but sadly we didn't get any with Tiff.

Other news, Avie will have a new half brother or sister. Her dad and his new wife are expecting so yay for that I guess. Avie also started first grade today. I'll be posting pics of that sometime hopefully. Ta Ta for now.

1 comment:

Simmons Family said...

I wish I could have been there!! Someday we all need to get together again!