Monday, October 6, 2008

Road trip to Arizona

Avelyn and I drove with my mom out to Arizona on Friday. We went to celebrate my niece (Janalee's) 1st birthday, and to say bye to my brother Shaun and his wife Elisha who are moving to Michigan next week. Aaron and Tiffany made the drive from Vegas to be there as well, (with my favorite nephew Ashton). : ) He's such a cute little butterball.

Due to the 5 1/2 hour drive, we didn't get to spend much time with them Friday night. We got there pretty late and ended up getting only 5 hours of sleep (including Avelyn), but we all went out to breakfast together on Saturday morning and then had the birthday party later that day. Avelyn had so much fun playing with Janalee and all of the other kids there. It is unbelievable how much energy Janalee has. She reminds me of the energizer bunny, you get tired just watching her.

Avelyn tends to test my authority when we are away from home, and did throw a few tantrums, but for the most part she was very well behaved. She did not complain on the drive there or back. We were very pleased at how much of a trooper she is when traveling. We had a portable DVD player CJ got for us to use for Avelyn when traveling, but it broke, so poor Avelyn didn't have much to keep her entertained. She sang random silly songs that she thought were hilarious and cracked herself up. She's so funny.

What I love most about traveling, is Vanilla Coke!!! Here in so Cal I have not been able to find places that sell it anymore. Whenever I go to Utah or drive out to Vegas, I can find it in gas stations, and I was able to find it in Arizona too. What's wrong with California?? seriously. I had to buy a few extra to bring home. hehe.

Now on a more serious note, on the drive to Arizona, I got a text from CJ saying that his dad had passed away earlier that day. Anyone who would be so kind as to say a prayer for him and his family, I'm sure they could use it. My heart goes out to them during this hard time. It's a very strange situation to be involved in considering what has been going on with CJ and I. I do wish there were more I could do.

Now that we are back home I'm just getting caught up with laundry and other house tasks I wasn't able to get done over the weekend. Fun times. 'Til next time.. keep smiling everyone! : )

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