Friday, September 26, 2008

It's been a while..

It's been a while since I've posted anything. Things have been rather busy. I've been taking some classes two nights a week, so when you add being a single mom and working full time into that it ends up being pretty demanding. However, things have been pretty good. Avelyn keeps getting smarter and smarter and just amazing me every day. It's really neat watching her learn and grow up. Last weekend we went to the Route 66 car show that is held here in San Bernardino annually. I didn't take any pictures of the cars, but they have some cool kid rides that Avelyn got to enjoy. She wasn't too thrilled with the cars as you can imagine. Aside from that we haven't been up to much. We usually go swimming on Saturdays and just hang out. We're looking forward to going to Arizona next weekend to say bye to Shaun Elisha and Janalee before they move to Michigan. We'll also be celebrating Janalee's 1st b-day! Times with family are always great. So until then I probably won't be posting again..

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