Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Baby Ashton!!

So this past weekend Avelyn and I drove to Las Vegas with my mom to go see Aaron and Tiff, along with the latest addition to the family, Ashton! He is so cute! I'm so glad Aaron and Tiff finally got to have a baby. Tiff seems so happy and you can tell she really loves being a mom. Avelyn just loved Ashton, she was so excited to get to go seem him, and once we got home she was already saying she wanted to see him again. She loves babies and is so good with them. It kind of makes me wish I could have another sometimes.

We were able to go out to dinner and do some star gazing with Aaron's new telescope on Saturday night. I didn't get any pictures though since it was so dark. On Sunday we got to go to Ashton's baby blessing, and Avelyn got to play on Aaron's computer. No wonder she thinks he's so cool. Haha. It was a pretty short trip... hopefully we'll be able to go back before too long.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Aww those pictures are cute! It was so nice to see you guys!! Thank you so much for taking the time to come out and be with us for Ashton's blessing. It means alot!!